Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Caleb- 9 years old now! He feels everything stronger than most people feel anything! He is passionate about life and will protect anything no matter how small or big. He is in swimming- level 5 and doing really well! His foot still turns in when he walks but we have decided that this is just Caleb's foot. It doesn't slow him down- he runs, bikes, swims and plays just like all the other kids. He loves to play with his friends, play Minecraft, go camping, play Pokemon, swim, run from the waves at the ocean and create with his hands!

Caleb is a great traveler. This summer we went to the coast a few times, up to Lynden/Bellingham to visit Jen and Dan and went camping down in the Redwood forest in California. We have a 3 night condo booked courtesy of my sister Cathy on the Oregon coast next month which he is really excited about.  He has some anger stuff he is working through- he went to counseling for about a year and is now in occupational therapy for controlling his temper and sadness- like I said- Caleb feels EVERYTHING more than most people feel anything-when he is happy he is beyond happy and when he is mad he is beyond mad- the OT seems to be helping the most- sensory brushing, heavy work and essential oils seem to help calm his sensory system so he can better control how he is feeling. He has come a long way.

Then there is ...

Annaliese! She will be 6 next week! She is very sweet. There isn't an hour where she doesn't say "mom? I love you!", she is an amazing artist. I can't believe how well she colors and draws. She is a homebody, we will be out for only a couple hours and asks to go home. She loves her room and her desk. She also has an adventurous side to her... she loves the ocean, playing in the sand and camping but is so excited to get home! She learned to ride her bike this year without training wheels so we spent a lot of time biking this summer as well as playing outside. 2 of her neighbor friends moved away which she would play outside with a lot so it will be different next summer. She started kindergarten this year too. She has learned so much in such a short amount of time! She is also getting discharged from speech therapy! I never thought this girl would talk and now she is clear as a bell. Love it. She is still struggling with food. She still eats a restricted diet and is low on her weight gain curve. She sees a feeding therapist weekly to help her to overcome this. She loves to color, draw, paint, play barbies, dance and dress up. She just got a reward at her school for being a top student in her class. She always listens, is kind to everyone and always tries her best.

I cant forget about....

Keeley! She is 3 and a ball of fire! She is so much fun. And learned how to ride her bike without training wheels right when she turned 3. We go on bike rides with her every day. She and I went on a 3.5 mile bike ride last week and she didn't complain once. She is in speech. She just started talking this summer and has been unclear until very recently. She started preschool at the developmental preschool and they are working on her speech. She has come a long way in a just a short amount of time. Amazing to hear her open up and be able to tell me what she wants instead of throwing herself on the floor out of frustration. She is a great hiker! She will go on long hikes in the wild life refuge by our house without a single complaint- She is a great camper too!